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Sito realizzato a cura di
14 Settembre
Auditorium La Nuvola
22 Settembre
Lerici (Sp)
Villa Marigola
25 Settembre
Venezia, Festival delle Idee
Sale Apollinee - Gran Teatro La Fenice
19th August
Edinburgh, Scottish Parliament
Festival of Politics
14th August
Gangi, Piazza del Popolo
Estate Gangi
11th August
Martina Franca, Teatro Politeama Verdi
Al Piano
16th June
Jesolo, Arenile Piazza Brescia
Sunrise Concert
13th June
Milan, Teatro Dal Verme
“Generazioni del Cielo”
04th April
Edinburgh, The Queen's Hall
23rd March
Città di Castello, Teatro degli Illuminati
Umbria Film Festival
02nd December
Tenerife, Dzamling Gar Gönpa Hall
10 Years Anniversary Festival
18th November
Legnano, Teatro Tirinnanzi
Invisible Rainbows Tour
30th September
London, Cadogan Hall
Invisible Rainbows Tour
17th September
Rimini, Teatro Galli
Invisible Rainbows Tour
05th September
Fiesole, Teatro Romano
Invisible Rainbows Tour
13th August
Cefalù, Castello Bordonaro
Invisible Rainbows Tour
30th July
Torre Guaceto, Riserva Naturale
Sunrise Concert
26th May
Milan, Conservatorio G. Verdi
Invisible Rainbows Tour
25th May
Bologna, Teatro Duse
Invisible Rainbows Tour
24th May
Rome, Parco della Musica
Invisible Rainbows Tour
19th May
Verona, Teatro Ristori
Invisible Rainbows Tour
05th March
Ankara, CSO Ada
Invisible Rainbows Tour
09th November
London, Cadogan Hall
Contemplazioni - Piano Solo
05th November
Milan, Conservatorio G. Verdi
Contemplazioni - Piano Solo
26th September
Comiso (RG), Piazza delle Erbe
21st September
Verona, Arena
‘Invito al Viaggio’ - Concert for Franco Battiato
12th September
Pesaro, Anfiteatro Parco Miralfiore
Piano City Pesaro
11th September
Milan, Palazzo Reale
10th September
Milan, Palazzo Reale
27th August
Morgantina (EN), Area Archeologica
Barbablù Fest
15th August
Castelnuovo di Garfagnana (LU), Mont'Alfonso
Sunrise Concert
31st July
Prato, Chiostro di San Domenico
Contemplazioni - Piano Solo
17th July
Ala (TN), Corte Palazzo Taddei
Contemplazioni - con “I Virtuosi Italiani” orchestra
16th July
Verona, Teatro Ristori
Contemplazioni - con “I Virtuosi Italiani” orchestra
23rd October
Mantua, Teatro Bibiena
Diapason Piano Concert
22nd October
Mantua, Teatro Bibiena
Diapason Piano Concert
16th October
Foligno (PG), Auditorium San Domenico
Diapason Piano Concert
24th September
Istanbul, Zorlu PSM
Diapason Turkey
18th August
Shanghai, City Theatre
Diapason China Tour
16th August
Changsha, Concert Hall
Diapason China Tour
13th August
Liuzhou, Arts Centre
Diapason China Tour
11th August
Guangzhou, Opera House
Diapason China Tour
10th August
Chengdu, Telunsu Concert Hall
Diapason China Tour
09th August
Chongqing, Guotai Arts Centre
Diapason China Tour
08th August
Shijiazhuang, Hebei Arts Centre
Diapason China Tour
07th August
Beijing, Temple
Diapason China Tour
06th July
Rimini, Spiaggia Riminiterme
Sunrise Concert
27th April
Pisa, Teatro Verdi
Diapason Italian Tour
19th April
Novosibirsk, DK Energy
Diapason Russian Tour
17th April
Ekaterinburg, Philharmonic Society
Diapason Russian Tour
15th April
St. Petersburg, Yani Kirik
Diapason Russian Tour
14th April
Moscow, Gnesin Hall
Diapason Russian Tour
29th March
Turin, Teatro Alfieri
Diapason Italian Tour
27th March
Rome, Parco della Musica
Diapason Italian Tour
26th March
Perugia, Teatro Morlacchi
Diapason Italian Tour
22nd March
Breno (BS), Cinema Teatro Giardino
Diapason Italian Tour
19th March
Milan, Teatro Nazionale
Diapason Italian Tour
11th March
Verona, Teatro Filarmonico
Diapason Italian Tour
09th March
Pesaro, Teatro Rossini
Diapason Italian Tour
14th February
Bologna, Teatro Duse
Diapason Italian Tour
05th February
Biella, Teatro Odeon
Diapason Italian Tour
04th February
Ivrea (TO), Teatro Giacosa
Diapason Italian Tour
25th January
Varese, Teatro Openjobmetis
Diapason Italian Tour
18th January
Carpi (MO), Teatro Comunale
Diapason Italian Tour
22nd October
Collepietra (BZ), Casa della Cultura
Celebration Tour Italy
12th October
Los Angeles, Zipper Hall
North America Tour
10th October
San Francisco, Herbst Theatre
North America Tour
07th October
New York, Carnegie Hall
North America Tour
06th October
Miami, North Beach Bandshell
North America Tour
28th July
Gavorrano (GR), Teatro delle Rocce
Sunset Concert
28th July
Firenze, Istituto degli Innocenti
Sunrise Concert
14th June
Cosenza, Castello Svevo
Celebration Tour Italy
13th April
Fasano, Teatro Kennedy
Celebration Tour Italy
20th March
Turin, Teatro Colosseo
Celebration Tour Italy
19th March
Verona, Teatro Camploy
Celebration Tour Italy
17th March
Milan, Auditorium
Celebration Tour Italy
16th March
Bologna, Teatro Duse
Celebration Tour Italy
13th March
Rome, Parco della Musica
Celebration Tour Italy
06th March
Bozen, Teatro Cristallo
Celebration Tour Italy
05th March
Florence, Teatro Verdi
Celebration Tour Italy
21st February
Novosibirsk, “Energy” Cultural Space
Celebration Tour Russia
20th February
Krasnoyarsk, State Institute of Arts
Celebration Tour Russia
18th February
Perm, Philharmonia Thriumph
Celebration Tour Russia
17th February
Ekaterinburg, Child's Philharmonia
Celebration Tour Russia
14th February
St. Petersburg, Yani Kirik
Celebration Tour Russia
12th February
Moscow, Gnesin Hall
Celebration Tour Russia
28th October
Montone (PG), Teatro San Fedele
Autumn Concert
08th September
Roccastrada (GR), Piazza Don Biagio Bailo
19th August
Sorrento (NA), Chiostro di San Francesco
12th August
Carrara (MS), Piazza Alberica
31st July
Milo (CT), Teatro Lucio Dalla
Luce del Sud
02nd April
Potenza, Teatro Stabile
Atlas Tour - Italy
30th March
Follonica (GR), Teatro Fonderia Leopolda
Atlas Tour - Italy
24th February
Savona, Teatro Chiabrera
Atlas Tour - Italy
11th February
Moscow, Gnesin Hall
Atlas Tour - Russia
10th February
St. Petersburg, Erarta Museum
Atlas Tour - Russia
12th January
Biella, Teatro Sociale Villani
Atlas Tour - Italy
11th January
Ivrea (TO), Teatro Giacosa
Atlas Tour - Italy
16th October
Vicenza, Chisa di Santa Corona
Sunrise Concert
30th September
Bellinzona, Teatro Sociale
Tree of Life Tour - Switzerland
23rd June
Torino, Teatro Carignano
Tree of Life Tour - Italy
16th May
Milan, Auditorium
Tree of Life Tour - Italy
09th May
Rome, Parco della Musica
Tree of Life Tour - Italy
07th May
Florence, Teatro Niccolini
Tree of Life Tour - Italy
21st October
Milan, Open Air Theatre
Expo 2015 Milan - Closing Ceremony
26th September
Asti, Teatro Alfieri
I 4 Soli - Vite e Stagioni
24th September
Rome, Eutropia - Largo Dino Frisullo
Namaskar for Nepal
28th August
Ragusa, Piazza San Giovanni
Sangiovart Music Contest
16th August
Arcidosso (GR), Corso Toscana
Note per il Nepal
11th August
Piraino (ME), Torre Saracena
08th July
Lucca, Chisa di San Francesco
Serata per la Libertà - Rai 2 (TV)
17th June
Ragusa, Cattedrale San Giovanni Battista
Cammino Stellare
31st March
Lucca, Teatro del Giglio
Francigena Melody Road - Closing Concert
12th March
Ankara, Bilkent Concert Hall
Ankara Piano Festival
21st February
Montalcino (SI), Chiesa di Sant'Agostino
Francigena Melody Road - Opening Concert